Daniel Grunbaum - Not a good or ethical lawyer

This is a website about a horrid, unethical lawyer in La Mesa, CA named Daniel Grunbaum, or from Google (the CA Bar website sucks).. Specifically about his behavior in San Diego County Family Law case, McCoy v. Robinson, in his representation of the daughter of Richard Floyd McCoy, Chante McCoy.

Grunbaum lied, committed perjury in his financial representations of his fees, refused to meet and confer as ordered by the court, called the Commissioner James T. Atkins a "moron" in written correspondence to my own attorney, showed up late to court at every hearing, even forgot what side he was representing at the first hearing, and was a slob in his appearance. He's a fucking loser and a stinking rat. I bought this website to warn potential clients about this shyster. The rat has known about this website since mid-2021, and claimed I was trying to "extort" him, but he does not seem to know the law. The truth is the truth, and it is a legal defense to his claims of any "poor baby" harm -- do not hire this guy. He is awful, as a human being and especially as an attorney!

McCoy and I had no children. We were married about 10 years, but we had been separated a year before the divorce petition was filed, with no joint business, and no plans to reunite. We had been friends -- it should have been a quick mediation and settlement. BInstead, Grunbaum's low ethics and bad faith actions took advantage of his client, McCoy, who claimed to be mentally ill, and living out of state (first Utah, then moving around with a new boyfriend, now Wyoming). The rat took advantage of her ignorance and hateful spite to pursue money for himself from the start, and not for the benefit of his client. His first letters inserted himself into the case, demanding money to pay her debts to him for more legal costs: basically, for me to pay him to litigate against me. That was a rude realization; as well as being painfully aware that the court system and moron Commissioner Atkins facilitated the harm being done; that there is no accountability despite the lip service paid to "mandatory conferences," meet and confer "court orders," and so on. It was lot of bullshit coming from Atkins too.

For awhile, I tried to ignore Dan the Rat's unwarranted aggression; but after many of his stupid and senseless threats of arraignment and jail (in a civil divorce), his ethics proved to be so bad that I felt obligated to complain to the California Bar association that he was violating Bar Assoc. Rule 1.5(c)(1)), and I wrote a public review in June 2021 (typo, she did not show at the MSC). And there was also the Yelp review in April 2022. Yelp did not like it after Grunbaum snivelled that I was not his client, so I acquired his name.com for the review (i.e., this website). I also buried reviews of Grunbaum in other attorneys reviews...e.g., so and so is a good attorney, but Grunbaum sucks. The CA Bar wrote a nice letter back to me and said they were not going to pursue prosecution, but the Bar did not clear him of anything. The CA Bar felt I needed to be his client for the violation to stick.

I was reticent to complain about another attorney supposedly doing his job, and I expected some difficult mediation back-and-forth with my ex, McCoy; but with Commissioner James Atkins unwilling to enforce his own orders or even hear a 271 Sanctions case, there is no useful public forum to inform the "court" or the public about the ridiculous legal abuse from these two bozos. So, don't hire Grunbaum if you want to keep your sanity. Atkins is a supposed judicial officer with an obligation under such rules, but he is instead a major dick. If I were to do things over I would not sign authorization for him to act as the judge in my case.

If you are thinking of hiring this Daniel Grunbaum, you may want to reconsider. Or if your wife has hired him for a divorce, I would just advise caution, because he abused me, he used my ex, took advantage of the legal system, and Grunbaum got away with it because of Commissioner Atkins. I saw what was happening, but no one would listen or care, especially Atkins, whom Grunbaum called a "moron." My case continued for several year because of Grunbaum, and Atkins turned into a massive fucking dickhead, or as Grunbaum labeled him, a moron.

Chante McCoy testified in hearings and in a trial that the contribution she made to the marriage was (consensual) kinky sex. She refused to get a job, and did not contribute money to our cost of living -- she became a gold digging whore by her own admission. Under CA "no fault" divorce law, it was not relevant, but Commissioner Atkins allowed her to try and embarrass me. So to be clear, here's a picture of what was going on with the kinky stuff in her testimony during the latter parts of the marriage.

Chante McCoy bound

See McCoy financial disclosures at -- Exhibits 7 and 8 from pleadings. What these show is a lack of honesty or candor with the court, like Exhibit 8 is a deed for property she bought in Wyoming, never disclosed in Exhibit 7. Basically, she was as dishonest as her lawyer. Her email is chante.t.mccoy@gmail.com, in case you would want to tell her how much you appreciate her kinky attitude. Her phone is 801-440-1619. Address: P.O. Box 2483, Evanston, WY, 82931.